K401_000_CHAR_Kuvira_Expressions1_BW «»lEGEND ARTIST: Ryu, BK nlcicelodeon ANIMATION STUOIO
K401 _000_CHAR_Kuvira_Expressions1_BW /014 NvMwJuun All 'ty'tfi iwuivwl WAHNM}. Ihw« «wk-irfv *1« bcvnwd Iw u'wd*Tlr«vd. nun O'W'J'.vA pinvlv uv« vNy r*3»t»l Uw &-S.V3M eMI »nd enmnal ummi fot M u\»u№wu*d ••s-sd.cncn dutnbutut &• «*hM»a<< a> ce«t«gAted muwul ARTIST: Ryu, BK ANIMATION STUDIO
K312_003_SPC_Kuvira_MetalClanGuard_WithCableSpools_rough ™r]j£GENP »|<£>RRA •Kuvira has a has a very PLEASE NOTE: This isn't just an incidental character. She is named Kuvira, and she becomes a similar height and build VERY important player in Book 4. Please make sure she is animated and model-checked with care! -Thanks, BK toKorra. L •Birthmark is under Kuvira s right eye. Bryan K/Angie M/TsengnicKelo<*eon
"Thickness shown in this detail for clarity only Strip* of <i»riw* nude of thinly *UKked metal layer* V> sin* <«MI I Will multiple |li#K t*\ I iff willMHlt IHIINH < liaiMjilHJ \Im|N* ARTIST: BK, Bian, Hirt K401_087 PROP MetalBands BW "Unless the bands are shown in extreme close up, they should be drawn like this, with no visible thickness. "Kuvira bends various metal bands off of her armor. They are different lengths/shapes depending on from which part of her armor they originate.
K401 _070_CH AR_Kuvira NORMAL thfIIGEND Shoulder guard raises independently of metal collar. Distinct, hlocky eyebrow shape. Cat-like eyes. Strips of armor mad«* of thinly stacked mpt.il layers so she can bend multiple pieces oft without armor changing shape Same exact height and similar athletic build as Korra. Beauty mark under right eye. In line with pupil when looking forward. She can bend strips of metal off of neck, arm. hack, belt, and leg armor. Gloves ARTIST: BK, Ryu, Tseng, Angie M nicicelodeon /UUMBMetfVWI- <41 ivwjiwJ. WANМПС IhVMr "•*Чг«Л »IM madwrtouO. non bWWfonl |M>*wU' uwwly All lyHI nvhrtnV-wVwvl Ь"*1»ки Pv ilr**ule w e«NM»*r m*rwb wv ivlnHnfd Vf MIV Netwk> radaial law уыЛля cvl and cimnal panatea «a. es* unauttanmd f»p-»du:een dutnbunai v «uhfeiean ef eept*WMad matanal
Кувира,Kuvira,аватар легенда о корре,аватар - легенда о корре,Аватар,Легенды об Аватарах, Avatar,фэндомы,концепт-арт
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Думаю понятно зачем она обломала наследничка.Ведь то,что ты собирал и приводил в порядок в течений трех лет вряд ли кому-то захочешь отдать.
А насчет ее характера... Не будешь жестким - тебя "съедят".